Written by Jessie Zheng
As fall ends and spring approaches, you may want to consider applying for internships within your field. Internships can be a great way for you to explore your interests, gain direct experience, and network with important professionals for your future career.
Whether you're in college, high school, or graduate school, there are internships available for everyone. CT Youth Advocacy Political Center (CYPAC) has created this resource with all state internships related to law, politics, and government. Use this resource to guide your applications as the internship sessions approach!
Legal Internships
Constitutional Office Internships
State Legislative Branch Internships
U.S. Congressional Internships
Public Health Internships
State Departmental Internships
State Offices Internships
Legal Internships
Office of the State Attorney General
The Office of the State Attorney General is a great opportunity to work with the CT Attorney General, William Tong. In this internship, you'll learn more about the importance and role of the attorney general in state affairs.
They have a large variety of 16 different departments that work together to address key cases. They offer three sessions: Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Apply Here: https://portal.ct.gov/AG/Employment/Internship-Opportunities
Connecticut Judicial Branch
The Judicial Branch Experiential Learning Programs offer students from high school to law school a variety of meaningful placement opportunities to gain valuable experience as well as develop skills appropriate to their career path.
This would be a great opportunity to get experience in the court field!
Link: https://jud.ct.gov/elp/
Connecticut Division of Public Defender Services
The CT Division of Public Defender Services offers a variety of flexible opportunities for law students and undergraduate legal students.
Link: https://portal.ct.gov/OCPD/Training/CT-Public-Defender-Internship-Information
Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice
The Connecticut Division of Criminal Justice Law Student Internship Program is a great opportunity for law students who are interested in criminal justice and public service to gain real-time/first-hand experience with the responsibilities and duties of a Connecticut prosecutor.
Office of the State’s Attorney: Ansonia-Milford Judicial District
The Ansonia-Milford Judicial District utilizes both college undergraduate and law school students as interns in both the Milford and Derby State’s Attorney’s Offices. Internships are usually for the fall or spring semester or the summer.
Undergraduate interns observe the legal process, assist staff in routine office duties and assist Investigators and prosecutors in the preparation of cases for trial. Law students who are certified legal interns may also appear in court on behalf of the State in certain circumstances based on their level of experience.
Link: https://portal.ct.gov/DCJ/States-Attorneys/AnsoniaMilford2/Ansonia-Milford-Internships
Connecticut State Department of Consumer Protection
The Legal office provides in-house legal support services to the Department of Consumer Protection through administrative actions such as hearings, agreements containing consent orders, assurances of voluntary compliance, civil investigative demands and subpoenas.
This is an unpaid internship, for college credit only. Candidate must be in law school.
Link: https://portal.ct.gov/DCP/Agency-Administration/AA-Student-Internships/Legal-Internships
Connecticut Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities
The Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, one of the oldest civil rights enforcement agencies in the United States, has openings for law student interns in its Legal Division and in its Executive Office. The Commission also has limited openings for college and motivated high school students in the Legal Division, in the Contract Compliance Unit, and in our Executive Office.
Link: https://portal.ct.gov/CHRO/Volunteers/Notice/Internship-Opportunities
Constitutional Office Internships
State Legislative Branch Internships
U.S. Congressional Internships
Public Health Internship
State Departmental Internships
State Office Internships
Internships are a great opportunity, and we wish you all the best of luck when applying!
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."
We hope this helped you!
Prepared by: Ryan M. Engels, Executive Director
Written by: Jessie Zheng, Media & Outreach Director